The world’s Most Expensive at $1 Million Vacuum Cleaner

You will need a special safe to lock away the world’s most expensive vacuum cleaner after using it to clean up your walk-in vault, probably. But why would one need a gold-plated vacuum cleaner worth $1 million in first place? If some current-day Richie Rich wants to indulge in a bit of cleaning act and wants a vacuum cleaner that brags about his wealth, then the 24k gold plated GoVacuum GV62711 vacuum cleaner is the best bargain. To start with it will sweep away a million dollars from your account and then get down to its basic act with a variety of different modes of cleaning and a powerful motor for maximized airflow generation. The light weight gilded cleaner also features a wide cleaning nozzle, HEPA bag and robust cleaning capacity. With all that packed inside the dazzling design, the GoVacuum GV62711 vacuum cleaner will clean even the slightest amount of dust, dirt, and debris from every corner of the room. More detailed features follow….
The powerful, state of the art, 10 AMP motor is designed to generate the greatest of air-flowing current, in order to, maximize suction output, with as little energy draw as possible. The 14-inch wide cleaning nozzle provides an ample cleaning surface area with superior agitation; which allows the machine to perform beautifully on any pile of carpet, rug, and decor. The HEPA bag not only offers a 99.97% filtering of dust particles and debris, but because of the simplistic design, allows for the machine to remain a slender and svelte 15.5 pounds.
Only 100 such gold plated vacuum cleaners will be designed, customized, and shipped within a month.