Most Exclusive and Expensive Hair Wax in the World
Retailing at a price slightly above $1,245 USD, the Form hair wax is becoming one of the fastest growing luxury hair care products. Form hair wax boasts of allergen free organic ingredients, as well as blended their treasure of knowledge regarding natural wax. Form hair wax is enriched with Co-enzyme which is one of the most powerful anti-oxidants, and also Pro-Vitamin B5 as well as other natural oils. All these ingredients not only offer much needed nutrition for your hair when applied, they also are cell re-generation boosters, and also protects skin from damage. The Pro Vitamin B5 also offers long term moisturizing, and also increases the strength of hair according to reports. The hair wax and its components also ensure protection of the hair from damage by the environment, and it is also free from harsh chemicals, as well as paraffin wax or other petrochemicals.
The hair wax is aimed at protecting hair from damage from a variety of causes that include over drying or heat exposure as well as pollution. But what makes Form apart from the crowd is the fact that each and every hair wax is tailor-made for each and every client after considering a number of factors. To cite an example a hair wax designed and developed for a person working in an air-conditioned office, is different from a person who has a lot of travelling to do. While the need for the first client is moisture throughout the day, the second person will need protection from the elements as well as moisture and nutrients.
Form hair wax does not believe in quality of the product, but it also aims at presenting it in an exclusive way. The wax is decanted in a unique crystal jar after being completely blended in Scotland. The crystal jar is further enclosed in a timber enclosure that too is handcrafted, and a solid brass engraved plaque graces the interior. Overall the presented also creates an aura of elegance to the exclusive product.
The Form hair wax is further customized according to choice of colours and fragrance of the user. The hair wax also has a waiting period once ordered, and due to its highly customized edition, only a few products are created and released every year. This hair wax has taken the world by storm and is definitely one of the world’s most expensive hair wax product.
Source: Bornrich