Khloe Kardashian’s X Factor Firing a ‘Blow’
Khloe – who is married to basketball player Lamar Odom – previously revealed she was asked not to take any hosting lessons before she started, leaving her unprepared for what to expect. She explained: “I’ve never done live TV before, and I was asked to not do any hosting lessons because they wanted me to be just myself. I found the day before because the stage was just built, that I couldn’t read the teleprompter without glasses, so I had to get contacts the day before.
“Just learning how there’s a screaming audience and you don’t yell because the mic is right there … I will have an earpiece in my ear, and while I’m trying to read the teleprompter then I have someone counting down … and they’re like, ‘Okay, ask Simon [Cowell] this or that’ … There were so just so many pieces I never knew were involved in live TV. – Femalefirst