Checking Facebook During A Romantic Dinner
The first thing you should keep in mind while checking Facebook during a romantic dinner is to ask yourself is Facebook more important or your love is? Obviously love is important but checking Facebook has become an addiction now like smoking.
Checking Facebook during a romantic dinner is not a good idea because one of the partners doesn’t want to get disturbed, this is the special dinner so make your partner feel special, checking Facebook during a romantic dinner doesn’t sound good so it won’t even look good too.
We all agree with the fact that social media is one of the important tools of communication, it has made our lives very easy but yet there are some ethics and values which should not be forgotten. Everyone is using smart phones nowadays, it has made live more easy everyone can log on to their Facebook anytime. Well, checking Facebook during a romantic dinner is just like ignoring your partner. Checking Facebook during a romantic dinner makes your partner bad, your partner will not complaint you about this but it can mess up your relationship.
Well, checking Facebook during a romantic dinner can lose your concentration maybe your partner wants to give you a kiss and you while seeing checking your Facebook during a romantic dinner can change the mood. Well the new feature of check in on the Facebook is unique but in that case to checking Facebook during a romantic dinner is not a bright idea.
Checking Facebook during a romantic dinner can make your partner pissed off at you, some partners are very tough and they could even leave the dinner if you check your Facebook. Checking Facebook during a romantic dinner is not important you can check it afterwards, there is no business deal happening on Facebook.
A survey was conducted and the results of the survey were that 69% of the partners are ready to accept it that their breakup happened while checking Facebook during a romantic dinner. Even the survey has reported the fact that everyone is crazy they are very annoyed by the lame habit of their partner which is checking Facebook during a romantic dinner.
This is wrong it should be strictly forbidden, just think that relationship is more important and checking Facebook during a romantic dinner is very lame, stop it guys or girls. You should realize the fact that checking Facebook during a romantic dinner can break someone’s heart and that someone is really special for you. Stop this bad habit and realize it before it is too late, life is dull without love.