Business Horoscope December 4 to December 10

Weekly Capricorn Horoscope:
From Sunday, December 4 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, December 10 2011 – 11:59pm
Neighborhood gatherings or projects this Sunday can be fun. It may be necessary to do some deep and penetrating analysis, particularly with a group or in relation to your situation this Monday. Time spent alone in the evening can be very healing. Your thoughtful appreciation for ideas and thoughts should make this Tuesday an excellent time to begin a new project in the workplace. This is also a positive and productive period. The idea of value or a greater appreciation for things of value is right up your alley this Wednesday. You may find yourself gaining a great deal materially. It is most assuredly a time when tangible things have a great deal of importance for you. You may find yourself wishing you could speak up against what someone is saying this Thursday. You will do well by staying silent, however, as this could just be a test–patience. A time of intellectual creativity has begun this Friday. You are articulate and can express yourself with a flair of passion. Beating the odds through cleverness is appealing. You are rewarded for your patience. Expect challenges this Saturday, but nothing that you cannot handle. You may feel elated that a new friend has the same likes and dislikes that you have–it is easy to appreciate this individual.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
Clearing up any misunderstandings is an important issue this Sunday. Missing information is likely the only problem. Time is moving much too quickly this Monday and when asked, you find just the thing that will make the customer happy or end a frustrating project. Work conditions may be active and possibly stressful during this Tuesday. You will succeed in accomplishing whatever you set out to do this day. Since energies are perfect for your type of self-expression and work well with your particular ideas and thoughts, you should find yourself being most persuasive with others this Wednesday. Expect an illuminating conversation with someone you love. You have all the energy you need to assert yourself in the pursuit of your professional success. There are many opportunities this Thursday to show your self-discipline and your ability to carry through on responsibilities. Your professional life moves along in a smooth manner this Friday. Your peers find you utterly captivating particularly while together during noon breaks or while shopping. You are feeling encouraged this Saturday. You are motivated to really get serious about taking better care of yourself. You want to continue to feel good about yourself.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
You have a natural sense for communicating with those around you, especially those that are younger than you. Clear and positive thoughts about the past will be easy to find this Sunday. Talking should be quite unconstrained to you this Monday, as your mind will be quite clear and natural. Ideas could come flowing to you with ease. Your recent investments will be showing results this Tuesday–patience! Assessing how to go forth with getting things organized, both projects and people should keep you very busy this Wednesday. You could find this a time of unwavering study and thought, as you are not prone to take people’s opinions to heart, without first investigating their motives. The difficulties that arise this Thursday will offer you the best opportunities to grow wiser; listen and learn. There are opportunities for discovery this afternoon. Investments can start out small and grow beyond your wildest imagination this Friday–be on the lookout for opportunities of this sort. Sacrifice leads to gain in more ways than one, some of them not so obvious at the outset. This Saturday should be a landmark day to solve problems and make important decisions. You find your way around almost any obstacle.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
You are very clearheaded and able to view all of the alternate paths–you are in a planning mood this Sunday. Go ahead and make those decisions. You can see the road ahead and will make the right choices. Everything is coming together this Monday to show you off at your finest in the workplace. You may be teaching or lecturing during the day. A very active day is forecasted this Tuesday. Care must be taken to steer clear of overextending your services or your energies this Wednesday. There seems to be a sense of testing the limits at this time. The needs of a sensual nature are but one of the issues emphasized in your life this Thursday. You will instinctively want to be more powerful and in control. You teach others through your own actions. Treat yourself to a little trip this Friday, or just get outside. Anything new and different is going to appeal to you now, as you may just want to break with the old routine for a while. You are quite mentally shrewd when it comes to sharp ideas and clear thoughts. The former and the future combine and any problems between people seem to magically vanish this Saturday. This is the key to the greater sensitivity that you feel now. You are on the right path to succeed with your goals.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
You may want to delay any anticipated travel plans this Sunday, as they could be more trouble to you than they are worth; reschedule, if possible. Your emotional orientation is toward taking care of business this Monday–you crave organization and practicality. You want to get things accomplished. Assuming risks can bring great rewards this Tuesday. Someone younger than yourself could look to you for answers to problems of great importance. If you have given any thought to committing your thoughts and deeds to a book or journal, this Wednesday would be the appropriate time–as you will be full of imagination and creativity. With your talent for putting your thoughts into words, you can captivate others. You are at your very best this Thursday when it comes to dealing and working with others. You know just what to do and can act without haste. You are called upon to make use of your natural abilities and common sense. Friday should bring you new experiences, filled with excitement. You are brimming with originality. You should find this a time when you can really put your mind to good use, make clear choices and think things through to positive end results. Purchasing gifts and selecting colors are at a high this Saturday.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
You and your loved one(s) may become involved in some kind of sporting activity and this will be successful for you on many different levels this Sunday. You should find this Monday a good time; your efforts really pay off and things seem to run smoothly. Now you have the ability for sustained work that allows you to coordinate events and complete tasks like never before. Your innate ability to understand the needs of others puts you in the driver’s seat this Tuesday, particularly when it comes to communicating regarding groups or society in general. Escaping from the everyday, ordinary ways of doing things could prove most enjoyable this Wednesday. You may find it easy to bring a group together with your words or ideas that move others. Poetry and art may be possible at this time. There can be schemes and subtleties involved in this Thursday’s communication, especially in the workplace. While this tendency will pass, you must get both sides of all stories before making decisions involving others. Someone may challenge you this Friday but you are successful in meeting the challenge. You could be feeling quite ambitious this Saturday, as a rather practical streak motivates you to get the things in your life organized.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
Fate sends opportunity your way this Sunday. Money, sensuality and health can be a focus for this–travel may help to decide the outcome. Circumstances may increase an appreciation and enjoyment of your life situation this Monday. Your system of values may deepen, providing you with a better sense of discrimination and good taste. You may find it easy to make some clear evaluations that affect others this Tuesday. Your ability to make common-sense decisions will be valued. There could be a change in plans this Wednesday and if that is so, you will have to help make some big adjustments so that everyone will know his or her job. If you have been procrastinating on making a date with someone special, applying for the right job or in some way making yourself known you can set all your worries aside this Thursday. Good energies and good luck appear on the horizon. You definitely will be feeling the need to make some changes in your life this Friday; there is a desire to break away from old-fashioned ideas. This Saturday should be a time when you can put your common sense and your insights into words and convey them to others. Communication with older members of your family is enhanced now.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
Romantic and social relationships are apt to be in a state of change this Sunday. You must think about what impact your words and actions will have on people with whom you have an interest. Financial knowledge and a practical turn of mind are qualities that take on greater importance in your life this Monday. As a wheeler-dealer, you have a knack of knowing how to put people, ideas and things together profitably. This Tuesday is a great time to be with others and to work together. This is a super time for you to use your imagination and creative ability when it comes to new ideas. A strong urge to be out and among your friends and socializing this Wednesday is very tempting. You are determined to stick with the important professional issues at this time. Stick with what you know best this Thursday–this may not be the best time for breaking away from the old routine. You may be the person that others come to for guidance in their lives. Some kind of extra support or recognition is likely this Friday. You could be feeling that you are very much in touch and in sync with others–the lines of communication are wide open. You might find yourself really enjoying a good book dealing with romantic fantasies or a movie this Saturday.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
Your activities this Sunday may be centered near water and could involve ship travel–an ocean voyage is not out of the question. There could be some very important matters this Monday that require your attention and have you serving as a guide to someone younger than yourself. You may, at long last, figure out new ways to proceed with plans and decisions that affect your life. Someone who truly understands your situation and how you feel will be sympathetic this Tuesday. You may take heart in realizing just how appreciated or valued you are for your feelings or your ability to take action and get things done. This Wednesday is a time for forging ahead, a time that you can combine business and pleasure and a time to enjoy your career. Taking risks this Thursday and daring to be a little on the unconventional side attracts your attention; careful. You will prosper through new insights, inventions and an independent point of view. You enjoy a challenge and it becomes obvious when one sees you with co-workers or friends this Friday. You are always stretching to test your capabilities. Good friends that you have held dear for a long time may become even more precious in your eyes this Saturday.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
This Sunday is a time when you will want to create some changes and you may find yourself examining your foundations–responsibilities and basic security. You may find much of your energy being used on romance and creative pursuits this Monday. This is not a waste of time as whatever results happen will be beneficially used in the workplace as well as in your personal life. Figuring out how to organize people is likely to be a topic of special appeal this Tuesday. Impatience could cause you to feel in a bit of a rush this Wednesday. Take care not to try to make up for any amount of lost time. Some areas of your investments or your budget can be adjusted to get the best results and you gain in a new understanding of business this Thursday. Make note of some future gift ideas this evening. Your focus is on the task before you this Friday–there is much success. Before you can even think of relaxing a bit, there may be new work to preview. At this time you could feel yourself a bit overworked, perhaps going too far out of your way to give someone assistance–however, you are also being well paid. You are the ideal candidate to take charge of a project this Saturday–your creativity and originality are abnormally high.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
A change of residence is possible this Sunday, perhaps a long distance relocation. Taking care of business could be one of your major themes this Monday. You could definitely be feeling a need to make some changes in your life. Your patience is rewarded this Tuesday as you work to solve a problem or busy yourself to get things accomplished. You feel a clear sense of direction and are learning to keep your priorities in the right place. This Wednesday is a time when you will have to give yourself time to make decisions. Moving too quickly could find you making some wrong choices. Stay focused and you will instinctively know what is needed. You are in the mood to work and to accomplish whatever job is at hand this Thursday. Talking about your career concerns with a partner will help you to see things in a larger scope and give the two of you ideas on how to strengthen your professional standing. Things are happening and your career, or path, depends on your own ambition and drive, which are strong this Friday. You should find it easy to use good common sense, as you can feel the trends of business and make the right choices. This Saturday promises an opportunity to resolve health issues. You look for new opportunities to grow.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
You tend to family and domestic duties like a real trooper this Sunday. This may include a bit of decorating as well as paying bills. A temporary obstacle may appear this Monday morning, but never fear . . . it is not long-lasting. You may be very pleased with the results of your quick thinking and hard work by the time this day has ended. Expect a feeling of support and goodwill from those around you this Tuesday. Because of your eloquence in speech and communication, you should find others being very responsive to what you have to say. There is the danger of foggy thinking and of your being misled or getting too carried away with some plan or idea this Wednesday morning. There could be a lot of mental pressure. You seem to have lots of vitality and interest in communication skills this Thursday. Your problem-solving abilities will be able to reach out and touch someone today. You are open to all sorts of new opportunities. Being loved, wanted and even popular are strong requirements for you this Friday. A cycle of nostalgia and domesticity shows you just how much you need security and a feeling of family connections. Saturday is a great time to find some space for you and to polish off any unfinished personal business.