Father Charged With Murdering Two-Month-Old Daughter after Blaming Cat for Severe Injuries

image source: thecharlestonpress
Those planning to become parents should ensure that they are prepared for all that comes with having children, including a significant amount of time and effort spent on the newborns, numerous sleepless nights, and a slew of other things that will never be the same once they become parents.
However, some people realize this after becoming parents, which leads to a slew of uncomfortable scenarios, the majority of which involve children in some way.
So it was with the father of a two-month-old daughter who was pronounced dead last month, and he gave the weirdest justification to the police when he blamed the family’s cat for the injuries that led to his baby girl’s death.
According to the incident report, the now-dead girl’s 39-year-old father was named K. Henderson, and he remains the only suspect suspected of hitting the baby so severely that she died after nearly two months in the hospital.
The beating reportedly occurred in September, when the baby was admitted to the hospital in severe condition with many injuries all over her body on September 23. Because she had “little to no brain activity” for some time, the girl was hospitalized for approximately two months before being pronounced dead on November 3.
The event occurred at the family’s home in Minnesota, and the girl’s father was arrested and charged last week. Henderson first blamed the family cat for her fractured legs, bleeding on the head, and broken ribs when questioned by officials, according to court records.
Henderson admitted to beating his two-month-old son because he was constantly crying during the interrogation. According to Henderson’s confession, he struck the baby for five minutes, beating her on the back in an attempt to calm her down.
Henderson has known since she was a baby that the pounding was enough to break her ribs. He admitted to investigators that he knew what had happened, but it was too late for him to do anything about it.
In the aftermath of the girl’s death, the father was charged with first-degree assault, but it was amended last week to second-degree murder without intent while doing a felony and first-degree manslaughter while conducting malicious punishment of a child.
Henderson was held in jail on $1 million.
As per Thecharlestonpress, the baby’s official cause of death is yet to be determined pending the autopsy results.